Don’t to update iOS14.5.1?

Don’t to update iOS14.5.1?

Don’t to update iOS14.5.1

After May 1st, Apple quietly pushed the iOS 14.5.1 update package. Some netizens after the first update said that their iPhone seems to have performance degradation, and the performance of iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 is not as good as IPhone XR that be released many years ago.

According to YouTuber Nick Ackerman’s evaluation comparison, after updating to iOS 14.5.1, the performance of iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 are not as good as the iPhone XR released many years ago.

Of course, so far, only iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 will experience a slowdown after upgrading to iOS 14.5.1, and other iPhones have not experienced such a situation for the time being, so there is no need to be frightened.

You know, iPhone XR is A12 processor, while iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 are A13 processor and A14 processor respectively. The processor performance of three years ago can surpass the last two iPhones which is really outrageous.

Therefore, iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 owners should not update iOS 14.5.1 for the time being, otherwise your experience may not even be as good as the iPhone XR three years ago.

If you have encountered a similar situation after upgrading to iOS 14.5.1. If you have, please let us know in the comment section. And forward to your friends.

Mynd af Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Höfundur: Meðstofnandi GCC
Hæ, ég heiti Helen. Velkomin á heimasíðuna okkar. Ég hef starfað í þessum iðnaði í yfir 10 ár. Ég vona að við gætum skrifað allt um rafeindatækni og gjafir sem við þekkjum og kennt þér ókeypis hér. Vonandi gætum við hjálpað þér að skilja betur meira um þennan iðnað, svo þú gætir forðast áhættu við innflutning frá Kína.

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