ANKER on tuonut markkinoille MFi USB-C - Lightning -datakaapelin Kiinassa ja on myös ensimmäinen merkki, joka myy MFi USB-C - Lightning -datakaapelia varastossa Kiinassa. Tämän kaapelin nimi on ANKER Powerline II C to Lightning. Tänään puran sen, jotta näet kuinka sisäiset materiaalit ovat.
1. ANKER Powerline II C Lightningiin pakkauksesta otettuna

ANKER Powerline II C - Lightning -datakaapelikotelon pääperusväri on valkoinen + sininen, ja “ANKER” brändilogo ja Apple MFi -sertifioitu logo painettu etupuolelle sekä tuotemalli: A8632.

Datakaapelin asiaankuuluvat parametrit on painettu pakkauksen takapuolelle.

The detailed parameters of the data cable are: Product name: ANKER Powerline II C to Lightning data cable 0.9M
Model: A8632
Size: 0.9m
color: White
Warranty time: 18 months warranty
Instructions for use: It is suitable for connecting mobile phones and tablets to power adapters or computers for data transmission or charging.

Unpacking, there is an ANKER Powerline II C to the Lightning data cable, a magic cable tie, and multiple paper documents.

The white outer skin of the data cable is made of TPE material. The surface of the cable body is smooth and exquisite, and there are no obvious burrs. It feels softer in the hand.

Datakaapelin molemmissa päissä olevat liitännät ovat Lightning (vasemmalla) ja USB-C (oikealla). Kaapelin pään ja kaapelin rungon välinen liitos on paksunnettu ja vahvistettu, ja verkon hännän pituus on noin 11 mm taipumisen ja jännityksen välttämiseksi. The “ANKER” Logo on syväpainettu USB-C-kaapelin päässä ja datakaapelin SN-koodi on painettu kaapeliin.

SN-koodi on: GD1910A8.

Lähikuva USB-C-liitännän nastaista, USB2.0-nastoista.

Lightning-liittimen tähän päähän ei ole painettu kuvioita ja sanoja, ja liitinnastan väri on hopea, mikä vastaa C94-liittimien ominaisuuksia.

Using ChargerLAB Power-Z MF001 tester to test the terminal, it is found that the ASIC and PMU of the terminal are original, the terminal model is C94, and the score is 100 out of 100.

Compared with the Apple USB-C to Lightning cable, the mesh end of the ANKER USB-C end is slightly longer, and the outer skin is thicker and more resistant to bending.

The tail end of the Lightning end is also longer and thicker than the Apple cable.
2. ANKER Powerline II C to Lightning data cable dismantling
The appearance design and workmanship of the data cable have been introduced above. Now we will dismantle it to see what the inside of the data cable looks like.

Katkaise johto suoraan keskeltä, kuvassa ANKER Powerline II C:n poikkileikkaus Lightning-datakaapeliin.

Katkaise johto suoraan keskeltä, kuvassa ANKER Powerline II C:n poikkileikkaus Lightning-datakaapeliin.

Kun ulkokuori on kuorittu irti, voidaan nähdä, että sisällä on metallikudottu verkkokerros, jonka tehtävänä on suojata ja stabiloida kudottu verkkokerrosta. TPE-ulkopinta ja metallikudottu verkko ovat hyvin tiiviisti yhdistettyjä, ja ulkokuoren pohja näkyy. painettu painatus.

Jatka metallipunosverkon purkamista, alla on kerros suojaavaa alumiinifoliota suojaavan vaikutuksen parantamiseksi.

Kun olet poistanut alumiinifoliosuojan, näet ydinosan.

Ydinosan rakenne on lueteltu.

Punaista viivaa paksunnetaan voimansiirtokapasiteetin varmistamiseksi. Se käyttää kolmea Kevlar-vetolujuusäiettä yhdistääkseen muiden ytimien kanssa kiertämällä, mikä voi tehokkaasti parantaa vetovastusta ja vähentää kitkaa sisäytimien välillä. Lopullinen vaikutus Eli lankaa vedetään jatkuvasti, paksu mutta ei kova. Voidaan nähdä, että kuitujen määrä on erittäin suuri, kun kaikki kuidut hajotetaan. Yleisesti ottaen kustannussyistä useimmat merkit eivät käytä niin suurta määrää vetokuituja. ANKER on valmis pinoamaan materiaaleja kestävyyden varmistamiseksi.

Johdon purkamisen yksityiskohdat näkyvät kuvassa.

After reading the wire part, it is the turn of the Lightning plug end to disassemble, peel off the outer skin, and inside is a layer of amber translucent structural protective glue.

Remove the amber structural protective glue, you can see that the steel sleeve and the metal base are connected and fixed by spot welding, and the welding points are uniform and firm. Then pick up the cold-pressed terminal of the wire core at the end of the steel sleeve to expose the inner wire core, aluminum foil shield, and tensile fiber.

After removing the steel sleeve, it can be seen that the structural protective glue has also penetrated into the interior, and all components such as PCBA, wire core, and steel shell are glued into a whole, and it can also be insulated and moisture-proof.

The chip leaked out after all the structural protective glue was removed.

The surface of the chip is silk-screened A63616A, which is an Apple C94 terminal chip. Compared with the previous USB-A interface that uses multiple components combined with C48 and E75 terminal chips, the C91 and C94 chips of the USB-C interface are designed to be more integrated and can support USB PD fast charging. C91 is used by Apple’s own cables and is not available for sale. C94 is supplied by Apple to third-party brands. There is no difference in performance between the two.

On the other side of the PCB, there is a silver mirror main chip.

The laser silk screen is a very small G, with a capital C above and 8AE below.

Let’s take a look at the end of the USB-C port. The outer skin is peeled off to expose the steel sleeve. The end of the steel sleeve is also a cold-pressed terminal for compressing the wire.

The steel sleeve is cut open, and it is also the overall glue injection. The USB-C PCB is only used to connect the wires and does not use the chip. The functions are all completed by the chip on the Lightning end.

The contact part of the USB-C interface is gold-plated, and the locking mechanism at the left and right end is strong and powerful.
3. Summary of GCC Electronic
The ANKER Powerline II C to Lightning data cable is made of TPE material, the surface is smooth without obvious burrs, and the workmanship is excellent. The line body is thicker than Apple’s original, and it feels flexible and not hard. In addition, the connection between the wire body and the wire head is also reinforced, the tail part of the net is lengthened and thickened, and the bending resistance is very good.
After dismantling, it was found that the metal braided shielding layer + aluminum foil shielding layer was used inside the cable body to enhance anti-interference, and 3 strands of tensile fiber and the wire core were mixed and twisted, so that the data cable had a very strong anti-pulling ability, and reduced the wire The friction between the cores keeps the wire flexible. The core of the current transmission line adopts a bold design, and the use of 3 strands for GND can also avoid being too hard.
The Lightning end of the data cable is designed with structural adhesive as a whole. The internal use of the Apple C94 certification chip, the integration is extremely high.
In general, the ANKER Powerline II C to Lightning data cable is in the style of a big manufacturer in terms of workmanship and materials. It is worth paying for in terms of materials and details. Although its price is not the cheapest, it is worth every penny. The principle of distributing goods can be concluded in this dismantling article, and friends who pursue quality and durability should not miss it.