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How is the performance of Snapdragon 8 Gen1?

How is the performance of Snapdragon 8 Gen1?

The Qualcomm Snapdragon series that we are familiar with are not named according to routines.

Why should I say something again?

Because this time Qualcomm launched the Snapdragon 8 platform,

Because it is the first-generation product, it is called Snapdragon 8Gen1.

Wow this way of naming

When I first heard it, my first reaction was

What about USB3.2 Gen2

Is it exactly the same?

Although the naming is strange

But the 8Gen1 chip

But many of us are looking forward to it

Because Snapdragon 888 did not perform well this year

Poor energy consumption ratio leaves many mobile phone manufacturers at a loss

Can today’s Snapdragon 8Gen1 be ashamed?

Pushing the Android flagship to a new level?

Let’s take a look

First, explain

Our test this time is

Do it on a machine that hasn’t been released yet

So obviously to avoid suspicion

I can’t tell you which machine it is

Although this machine has not been lifted

But Snapdragon 8 Gen1 has been lifted

So we only talk about 8Gen1 today

Let’s take a good look at its performance and power consumption

before this

Let’s take a look at the 8Gen1 architecture first

One of the key changes in 8Gen1 is

It is the first to support the newly released ARMv9 instruction set

Some audiophiles may know

Upgraded from ARMv7 to ARMv8 in 2013

The improvement is huge

The mobile phone processor has evolved directly from 32-bit to 64-bit

Apple also used this to seize the opportunity back then

Made a powerful A7 chip

Caught Qualcomm by surprise

This time ARMv9 is not as disruptive as ARMv8

Especially the direct impact on performance should be small

It mainly made some improvements for security and scalability

In our opinion, one of the most important features of ARMv9

Is the addition of the SVE2 instruction set

The ARM processors on our mobile phones in the past

And the desktop side also has the ARM processor on the supercomputer

Although they are all ARM chips

But the width of the vector register is completely different

The mobile phone chip only supports 128-bit vector length

The desktop may have 256 bits

The supercomputer server can reach 512 or even 1024 bits

This means that the program you design for the supercomputer chip

It can’t be easily run on a mobile phone

But after having SVE2

The situation is different

6.3 in Screen Display Polishing Cloth

It breaks the shackles of vector length

Developers only need to compile once

You can use the mobile phone chip and the desktop chip at the same time

And supercomputer can run

So there may be some algorithms designed for supercomputing in the future

You can run on your phone

to be honest

This is very beneficial to the construction of the ARM ecosystem

It can also be seen that ARM wants to occupy the PC

Ambition to occupy the supercomputing market

But going back to talk about this for performance

6.3 in Screen Display Polishing Cloth

There will be no direct impact at the moment

ARMv9 is something for the future

Compare performance

Instead, it’s the new core architecture adopted by 8Gen1 this time.

Upgrade to Cortex-X2

China Nuclear Upgrade A710

Nucleus MINI finally replaced the A55

Upgraded to the brand new A510

This X2 big core is actually compared to X1

The improvement is not that big

The pipeline is reduced to 10 stages

The out-of-order execution window is slightly enlarged

Also made improvements to branch prediction

The most important thing is to completely remove support for 32-bit programs

This X2 big core is pure 64-bit

But in essence, it is still not a brand new architecture

ARM’s current mid-core and super-large cores

Was designed by the Austin team

These years have been improved on the basis of A76

A truly disruptive new kernel design

It’s not until next year that the Sophia team will bring

So I actually look forward to the performance of X3 next year

Including the new Cortex-A710

Compared with Cortex-A78, there will not be much performance improvement

But from ARM’s PPT

Power consumption seems quite worth looking forward to

Cortex-A710 has a very special place

It is the only one that retains 32-bit support among the three cores

According to ARM, it is specifically considered for the Chinese market

Because there are still a lot of 32-bit software in China

So need a little transition period


The most worth talking about among the three cores

It’s actually a small core A510

A510 is the ARM Cambridge team

The core of a completely new design

Finally eliminated Wannian A55

Performance according to ARM’s statement

Can be 35% to 50% stronger than A55 IPC

The progress is indeed obvious

But this improvement is mainly due to widening and increasing

For example, upgrade to 3 decodings 3 launch

3 groups of ALU at the back end

So the energy consumption ratio is actually not much improved

You can say that this A510 is much stronger

But not necessarily energy saving

The most critical

It is still a sequential execution processor

So even bigger it is destined to be a small core

But A510 has a very special design

Each core itself is incomplete

But to form a cluster with two cores

Shared L2 cache and floating-point part

This is a bit like AMD’s design on a bulldozer

The bulldozer was miserable by this design.

But I think it’s quite appropriate to put it here A510

Because of small nuclei like this

More often it is used to handle background work

Integer calls are indeed significantly more frequent

Floating point is actually not very useful

So I understand this shared design

Theoretically can improve efficiency

I am quite curious about the performance of this A510

Not only the large, medium, and small cores have been replaced with new architectures

The L3 cache of 8Gen1 is also larger than 888

From 4M to 6M

But 6M is still not full of blood

Full blood is 8M

Caching usually has a big impact on the game

Does this improvement help?

The answer will be revealed later

8Gen1 seems to be a continuation of 888+ on CPU fixed frequency

The big core is pulled to 3GHz compared to 888

Considering the frequency set by Dimensity 9000 next door

I think Qualcomm is still slightly conservative

But the manufacturing process

8Gen1 still uses

Samsung craftsmanship that everyone is very familiar with

Although upgraded to 4nm

But this is also improved from 5nm

Everyone can see what Samsung 5nm is

So what is the energy consumption ratio?

I still care very much

But what I care about most is actually the GPU part

Different from CPU

8Gen1’s GPU changes are still great

Finally eliminated the Adreno 600 series that had been used for 4 years

Upgraded to Adreno 730

GPU of the previous Android camp

Already behind the iPhone too much

So I am looking forward to the performance of Qualcomm’s new GPU.

What are its performance and power consumption

We’ll find out later

Other than that

The AI ​​unit of 8Gen1 has also been greatly improved

ISP part of the upgrade is also very big

Can shoot 18-bit images

The tolerance is much higher than 888’s ISP

The baseband has also been upgraded to X65

Downlink speed can reach 10 Gigabit

It’s a big improvement

Look at it this way

This 8Gen1 seems to be inside and out

I changed everything

It’s really not as simple as changing the name

The change is quite big

But is its performance worthy of this new name?

We still have to take a good test and see

First of all, CPU performance is still the focus of our concern

So look directly at Geekbench 5

What is the situation with this CPU of 8Gen1?

3810 multi-core points

Only 60 points higher than 888

It’s just a 1.5% improvement.

Are you joking?

All big, medium, and small cores have been replaced

The result is a difference of 1.5%?

The single-core performance is also terrible

1200 points are also only 60 points better than 888

Increased by 5.7% only

Basically this single core of Snapdragon 8Gen1

Still does not exceed the A13 level

Considering the X2 core of 8Gen1

It’s already 3.0GHz

It has a higher frequency than 888’s X1

It’s not difficult to see that the X2 core is also a bit like squeezing toothpaste

Then the problem is coming

Single-core boost is limited

Multi-core performance is almost in place

Can your power consumption be optimized?

Unfortunately not

Snapdragon 8Gen1 CPU power consumption in GB5

Even higher than 888

Single-core 4.2W multi-core 11.1W

Do you want to keep the power consumption on par with the notebook?

It can be described as an electric tiger

Even if you look at the detailed power consumption curve we measured

Some projects can already reach 14W

This is horrible

With almost no improvement in multi-core performance

Power consumption can actually be higher than 2.2W

Isn’t this amazing?

I think one aspect is

We have been waiting for this new small core A510 for a long time

Completely disappointed our expectations


It didn’t bring much improvement in the energy consumption ratio.

On the other hand, the energy efficiency performance of Samsung’s 4nm process is still not optimistic.


8Gen1 also adds 2M level three cache

This may also bring a little power consumption

Of course, the three-slow improvement is actually not easy to reflect in the results of GB5

I can look forward to its effects when the game is tested later.

Anyway, the CPU part of 8Gen1

The Peak energy consumption ratio is quite bad

This CPU disappoints us a bit

But I also said before

What I am more looking forward to is the 8Gen1 GPU

How is the performance of this GPU?

Let’s run GFXBench and see

Hey wait a minute, what’s the situation?

Is this GPU better than A14?

No, 8Gen1 is even close to this GPU

Youth version A15


This is something!

This is just OpenGL

Let’s run the Vulkan test again

Can already kill the residual blood A15

This GPU is pretty good

It’s almost 60% stronger than 888

Too scary

It seems that although Qualcomm has pulled a hand on the CPU

But the GPU did not neglect at all

Not bad

The performance of the new architecture of Adreno 700 is quite impressive

But your GPU is so powerful

Almost catching up with the A15 level

If the power consumption is not high

Isn’t it just hanging Apple?

So beautiful

Because the 8Gen1 GPU

Peak power consumption is higher than its CPU

When the performance of this GPU reaches the residual blood A15

Power consumption soared to 11.2W

Much higher than A15

The GPU power consumption is even close to M1

It is the mobile GPU with the highest peak power consumption we have ever tested

High-performance explosion, high power consumption explosion

That such a super large nuclear bomb GPU

Can you withstand the test of the baking machine?

We open the bright mountains

Run a durability test

8Gen1 seems to be doing pretty well here

The peak can already reach the level of A15

And here the down-frequency curve

It is smoother than the iPhone

But obviously such a big nuclear bomb

It’s impossible if you don’t want to reduce the frequency

Run down the Guangming Mountain in 10 minutes

Probably will drop to the peak performance of 888

If we put more pressure on the GPU

Run longer

Run the 3DMark Wild Life Extreme stress test

Will eventually get 66.8% stability

Frequency reduction is quite serious

Although think about the good

Even if the GPU is completely reduced in frequency

Still better than the peak of 888

But this is obviously not a particularly energy-saving achievement

It seems that mobile phone manufacturers want to suppress 8Gen1 GPU

Still have to spend a lot of effort on heat dissipation

Although the peak GPU power consumption has exploded

But mobile phones don’t only have peak power consumption, right?

Now that I have changed to a new GPU architecture

Then you always have to improve the energy consumption ratio of some architectures.

I’m very curious

It’s under a slightly lower graphics load

If we reduce the load

How about the energy consumption ratio?

To test this

We designed a new project

Is the fixed load test of the Bright Mountains

We reduced the resolution to 1080P

Then run at 30 FPS

Simulate a slightly lower and uniform GPU load

Let’s take a look at the power consumption performance of these mobile GPUs under the same load

The result is this GPU of Snapdragon 8 Gen1

Medium load power consumption is not low

It is only slightly better than the most garbage 888

Compared to the 865, it’s still driving backward.

Co-author of the improvement of your architecture’s energy consumption ratio

In the end, it was all offset by Samsung craftsmanship?

This is an intermediate frequency performance

Many actual games will be close to this load

You said that if you just explode in peak load, it is excusable

Is the running score as strong as a tiger?

But if the game load is so bad

Then really don’t have to mix

This energy consumption ratio is just a joke

But these are all theoretical tests

In the actual game

What will be the performance of 8Gen1?

We still invite our old friend-the original god

The route is still our traditional night run map of Liyue Port

If you talk about CPU pressure

Liyue Port is even higher than the abyss

Mainly because the frequent loading here puts high demands on I/O

The platform that is slightly close is easy to freeze

So we still use this test

Before running the test

Still in accordance with international practice

I don’t know if it’s the reason why the new platform hasn’t adapted

The original god seems to be on 8Gen1

At present, the highest rendering resolution is 640P

Not standard 720P

Same as when we tested 888

But the image quality in the medium seems to be the same as other Android devices

Both are 568P resolution

Then our test is still the same as before

Divided into three types of loads

wifi+ medium picture quality medium load

wifi+highest picture quality 300 nits screen with high load

And 5G network + highest picture quality + 30 degrees room temperature devil load

To be reasonable

It’s not easy

First of all, look at the high load

That is, the highest quality wifi test

If you just watch the first 3 minutes

The performance of 8Gen1 seems to be pretty good

Although I only have 3 minutes

It’s almost a thread running at 60 frames

This has never been achieved on previous Qualcomm models

Check the frequency and you will find

The CPU scheduling in this section is also more aggressive

Therefore, the power consumption at this time is also relatively high

Will reach 7.6W of the whole machine

Obviously, this won’t last long

So after 3 minutes, the CPU will start to reduce the frequency one after another

Actually ran down for a 30-minute test

The final average number of frames will fall around 55 frames

The power consumption of the whole machine will be controlled at about 6.3W

In terms of power consumption, it is not lower than the 888 model.

But the number of frames has indeed increased

The game is smoother than 888

Some students will feel

Is this the credit of the GPU?

After all, this time the GPU is so strong

I don’t think it’s

You see, the GPU occupies only 56% on average

GPU load is very low

The improvement of the original god’s performance

I think it is the third level cache

6M three slow is really in the game

Greatly alleviated the CPU bottleneck

Look at it this way

Even if the CPU score and 888 can’t make the gap

But the performance of 8Gen1 in the actual game is pretty good

Of course, it’s a long way from Apple

But if your body can hold down for a long time

7.6W overall power consumption

The original god can indeed maintain full-frame operation

This is something that 888 can’t do even with a low resolution.

But I still want to remind everyone that this is only the performance of 640P now

720P GPU load will be higher

So the power consumption of the whole machine will be higher

Another concern is the body temperature

This phone runs for 30 minutes, the original god queen

The hottest spot is on the border

Can reach above 48 °c

Considering that the power consumption of this chip is still relatively high

This warm The performance is expected

Of course, the temperature of the phone also depends on your model

Let’s talk about high EQ

This generation of Qualcomm platform with the help of the heat dissipation carapace

The original god’s performance is very good

We also tried to reduce the image quality to medium quality

Unified 568P resolution

Running load test

The original god can indeed persist for a longer time to maintain the full-frame

About 6 minutes

In the future, there will still be slow frequency reduction

However, after 30 minutes, it can still maintain an average of 57 frames.

The fluency is indeed better than the 888 model

It’s a pity that this power consumption

It’s still about the same as 888


I believe you can’t wait to see the devil’s test.

We use 5G mobile network, 30 degrees room temperature, 300 nits screen

Play the original god with the highest picture quality

Baseband processor and screen heat up together

Let’s fully squeeze the potential of this phone

Unexpectedly under this load

8Gen1 ran out of the highest level of all models

Average 48 frames

Although in this state

The highest surface temperature of the phone has exceeded 53 degrees

Obviously, it’s too hot to hold

But the good news is that at least it didn’t crash

The number of game frames is also very stable

There is no drop to more than ten frames

Of course, this is also related to the heat dissipation of the model we are using

Anyway, the performance of this devil test is pretty good

In addition to CPU and GPU

We also tested the AI ​​performance of NPU

Qualcomm replaced NPU on 8Gen1

Let’s measure the results of Geekbench ML

Compared to 888, the improvement is very obvious

However, there is still a certain gap with the industry benchmark A15

Of course, the main reason for this is

888’s AI performance is too bad

Not even as good as Dimensity 1200

Wireless Keyboard with Stand phone Holder

Anyway, the AI ​​performance of 8Gen1 is still qualified

In general

The results of this Snapdragon 8Gen1 test are mixed.

On the bright side

It brings us extremely terrifying GPU performance

The GPU of the Android camp can finally catch up with Apple’s pace

The increased three slowdowns of the CPU also make the original god run more smoothly

But the bad side

Peak power consumption is still very explosive

Sustained energy consumption is better than at most, which is better than 888

Wireless Keyboard with Stand phone Holder

Still not so good

And the CPU improvement is too small

Minimal progress at the architectural level

I think the performance of Snapdragon 8Gen1

It’s definitely not a shame

But considering the GPU progress is indeed very large

So how can I give it a comment

It’s even higher than the useless 888

So it seems

The situation of 8Gen1 is a bit like the Snapdragon 820 back then.

We still hope that the next generation can have a 835 reincarnation.

All right

Today we tested the performance of Snapdragon 8Gen1 in more detail

I wonder if this 8Gen1 symbol does not meet your expectations?

To be honest, it was quite unexpected

I didn’t expect any CPU improvement

Power consumption is also a bit unexpected

But the GPU has improved so much

I didn’t expect

It should be said that this generation of game performance

It will largely depend on the cooling performance of the phone

Then the data of the Snapdragon 8Gen1 chip

We have also been included in the socpk ranking

Probably ranked here

Close to A14

Students who want to see us summarize detailed data

Welcome to socpk.com to check

See you next time bye

Wíimbala' u Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Autor: Co-Fundador de GCC
Hola, ya'ab Helen. Bienvenido u k ts'ono'oto' web. Ts'o'ok in trabajado ti' le industria tumen asab u 10 ja'abo'ob. Kexi' ka k tsa'ayal ts'íib tuláakal yóok'ol electrónica jant p'áatalij yéetel regalos k k'ajóol, ka ka'ansik a gratis waye'. Pa'atik u k tsa'ayal wáantik ka u comprender ma'alob asab yóok'ol le industria, utia'al u pajtal Jech yaan riesgos ti' le importar tak China.

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