Warning! Do not update the official version of iOS 14.6!

Warning! Do not update the official version of iOS 14.6!

In the official Apple forum, some netizens reported that after the update to iOS 14.6, the camera went black, the AirPods were disconnected, and the battery life of the mobile phone became shorter.

If you upgrade to 14.6, it is recommended to directly upgrade to 14.7 to solve this problem.

Finally, a list of iOS 15 upgrades is attached. As can be seen from the figure, devices below the A10 processor will be abandoned.

Slika od Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Avtor: SO-ustanovitelj GCC
Živjo, jaz sem Helen. Dobrodošli na naši spletni strani. V tej industriji delam več kot 10 let. Upam, da bi lahko napisali vse o potrošniški elektroniki in darilih, ki jih poznamo, in vas tukaj brezplačno naučili. Upamo, da vam bomo lahko pomagali bolje razumeti to industrijo, da se boste lahko izognili nekaterim tveganjem pri uvozu iz Kitajske.

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