Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Wire Keyboard K825

ڪسٽمائيزيشن: ڪسٽمائيز لوگو

تصوير حتمي پيداوار جي نمائندگي نٿو ڪري، اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو هڪ ڪسٽمائيز پراڊڪٽ يا پراڻي پراڊڪٽ. مھرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪريو خاص طور تي تازه ڪاري مصنوعات جي لسٽنگ ۽ قيمتن لاء.

اعتماد سان ذريعو: تصديق ٿيل ڪسٽم ٺاهيندڙ کان سڌو

هن شيء جي باري ۾:
Support single slot
Support To. T1 protocol
Support I2C memory card, SlE4418, SLE4428,SLE4432, SLE4442, SLE4436, SLE5536,SLE6636, AT88SC1608, AT45D041 card ,AT45D041 card via external EEPROM.
Support IS07816 Class A, B, and C(5V/3/1.8V) cards.
Implemented as a USB full-speed device with bulk transfer and mass storage endpoints.
Built-in PLL for USB and Smart Card clocks requirement.
Support EEPROM for USB descriptions customization (PID/VID/manufacturer/product/Serial number)
Direct Web Page Link and accessing memory card module.
Win 7 and newer systems can be used directly without installing drivers.


Why the Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Keyboard K825 is the best choice for network login, e-government, secure e-commerce, and health management keyboards?

The smart card keyboard has a built-in reader, adjustable tilt, and a 1.5-meter cable to increase flexibility and comfort.

The K825 smart card can identify systems, secure network applications, and protect bank transactions and logins.

Smart card readers are very suitable for user authentication for network login, e-government, secure e-commerce, and health management applications.

Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Keyboard K825

The Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Wire Keyboard K825, crafted by the esteemed manufacturer GCC ELECTRONIC, presents an exceptional fusion of innovation and functionality. Designed to cater to modern demands, this cutting-edge device is a versatile smart IC card reader and a wired keyboard, elevating your digital experiences to unparalleled heights.

Q1. What is the Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Wire Keyboard K825?

The Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Wire Keyboard K825 is a groundbreaking solution that seamlessly integrates two vital functionalities into a single device. On the one hand, it acts as a highly efficient and reliable smart IC card reader, granting you secure access to various systems and applications. On the other hand, it transforms into a full-fledged wire keyboard, revolutionizing how you interact with your devices.

Q2. What sets the K825 apart from traditional card readers and keyboards?

The K825 stands out from conventional card readers and keyboards with its ingenious integration of two essential tools. No longer will you need to carry separate devices to handle your smart IC cards or input data. The K825 streamlines your workflow, reducing clutter and maximizing productivity, making it a game-changer in electronic accessories.

Q3. How does the smart IC card reader function enhance convenience?

With the smart IC card reader feature, the K825 enables swift and secure access to various systems, such as authentication, identification, and data retrieval. Whether using it for business, personal, or educational purposes, this function protects your sensitive information while simplifying your tasks with a single tap or swipe.

Q4. How does the wire keyboard component enhance efficiency?

The K825’s wire keyboard component empowers you to interact with your devices effortlessly. Connect it to your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and experience enhanced typing efficiency. The responsive and ergonomic design ensures a comfortable and precise typing experience, making it ideal for typing emails, working on documents, or engaging in online communication.

Q5. Is the K825 compatible with various devices?

Absolutely! The Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader, Wire Keyboard K825, boasts broad compatibility, making it an excellent companion for various devices across different platforms. Whether you’re an Android or iOS user, or a Windows or Mac enthusiast, the K825 will seamlessly integrate into your digital ecosystem.

Q6. How does GCC ELECTRONIC ensure the K825’s quality and reliability?

As a leading manufacturer renowned for its commitment to excellence, GCC ELECTRONIC employs rigorous quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process. The K825 is crafted using premium materials and cutting-edge technology, ensuring its durability and reliability for long-term use.

Q7. How can the K825 transform your digital experiences?

Embrace a new era of convenience and efficiency with the Integrated Professional Smart IC Card Reader Wire Keyboard K825. Unlock the potential of smart IC card technology and elevate your typing experiences with a single, versatile device. Whether you’re a business professional, a student, or a tech-savvy individual, the K825 is your gateway to seamless digital interactions.

Elevate Your Digital Interactions TodayChoose the K825!

اضافي معلومات







Button Life

8 Million


104/105/107 Keys

Cable Length







Windows System

گھٽ ۾ گھٽ آرڊر

1000 پي سي ايس


جي سي سي



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اي ميل


1. اسان ڪير آهيون؟
ٺاهيندڙ – چين جي فئڪٽري سڌو Wholesale.GCC اليڪٽرانڪ شينزين، چين ۾ ٻڌل آهن، 2016 کان شروع، گهريلو مارڪيٽ ۾ وڪرو (5٪)، مغربي يورپ (45٪)، اتر آمريڪا (40٪)، ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا (10٪). اسان جي آفيس ۾ ڪل 11-50 ماڻهو آهن.

2. اسان معيار جي ضمانت ڪيئن ڪري سگهون ٿا؟
وڏي پيداوار کان اڳ هميشه اڳ-پيداوار نموني؛
پهچائڻ کان اڳ هميشه حتمي معائنو؛

3. ڇا توهان اسان کان خريد ڪري سگهو ٿا؟
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4. توهان کي اسان کان ڇو خريد ڪرڻ گهرجي نه ٻين سپلائرز کان؟
جي سي سي ڪاريگر جو روح، سخت معيار ڪنٽرول نظام، سي اي، روهس، ايف سي سي سرٽيفڪيشن، فاسٽ ليڊ ٽائيم، 100٪ گراهڪ جي اطمينان جي ضمانت

5. اسان ڪهڙيون خدمتون مهيا ڪري سگهون ٿا؟
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ڳالهائيندڙ ٻولي: انگريزي، چيني، جاپاني