How to choose what products to sell ? How to find a product to sell ? Keep these 4 points/rules in mind

How to choose what products to sell ? How to find a product to sell ? Keep these 4 points/rules in mind

How should I choose products? From what dimensions should I choose?

Are there any pitfalls that need to be paid attention to when choosing?

Today’s article will give you the answer. It is recommended to save it and save it immediately.

Product selection rule 1: The price of a single product is between 20-40 US dollars

The price is too low, the competition is too high, the price is too high, and novices can’t afford it.

Product Selection Rule 2: The category is not monopolized

A large number of similar products or stores appear on the current few pages of the category

And the operating methods consistently indicate that this category has formed a monopoly, and it will be very difficult for novice sellers to enter.

Unless the product quality and appearance have particularly great advantages.

Product Selection Rule 3: Light weight, small size, and the product will not be thrown away

Large and heavy cargo is risky, and the freight charges are too heavy

Product Selection Rule 4: At least 10 products in the BSR ranking have an evaluation of less than 500

This factor determines the difficulty of new product entry. If there are too many reviews, it will be difficult to catch up with new products after they enter.

Zdjęcie Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Autor: Współzałożyciel GCC
Cześć, jestem Helena. Witamy na naszej stronie internetowej. Pracuję w tej branży od ponad 10 lat. Mam nadzieję, że moglibyśmy napisać wszystko o elektronice użytkowej i prezentach, które znamy, i uczyć Cię tutaj za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że pomożemy Ci lepiej zrozumieć tę branżę, dzięki czemu unikniesz pewnych zagrożeń podczas importu z Chin.

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