Wireless Charger List

The Global Wireless Charger Market Reach $35 billion on 2025

The Global Wireless Charger Market Reach $35 billion on 2025

According to a recent report by the renowned market research firm IDC, the global wireless charger market is expected to reach $35 billion by 2025, with an average annual growth rate of 22%. Our product has captured 12% of the market share in the first quarter of this year, and our sales have increased by 40% compared to the same period last year, while the industry average growth rate is 18%. Moreover, a major electronics retailer reported that after stocking our product, their overall wireless charger sales increased by 30% within a month.

Sarin'ny Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Mpanoratra: CO-Mpanorina ny GCC
Salama, Helen aho. Tongasoa eto amin'ny tranokalanay. Efa 10 taona mahery no niasako tao amin'ity indostria ity. Manantena aho fa afaka manoratra momba ny Electronics Consumer sy Fanomezana fantatray izahay, ary hampianatra anao maimaimpoana eto. Manantena izahay fa afaka manampy anao hahatakatra bebe kokoa momba ity indostria ity, mba hahafahanao misoroka ny loza sasany rehefa manafatra avy any Shina.

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