Akatona ity boaty fikarohana ity.

Happy National Day of China 2022

Happy National Day of China 2022

Happy National Day of China 2022!
On the China National Day, I am sending warm greetings to you all.
May this Independence Day brings fortune and success for each and every one of us. May our country see more progress in the coming years!
Always stand for what you believe, stand for what is right, and stand for what you desire. True freedom lies where the mind is without fear. We will always love our country and we will always take pride in it…..

Sarin'ny Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Mpanoratra: CO-Mpanorina ny GCC
Salama, Helen aho. Tongasoa eto amin'ny tranokalanay. Efa 10 taona mahery no niasako tao amin'ity indostria ity. Manantena aho fa afaka manoratra momba ny Electronics Consumer sy Fanomezana fantatray izahay, ary hampianatra anao maimaimpoana eto. Manantena izahay fa afaka manampy anao hahatakatra bebe kokoa momba ity indostria ity, mba hahafahanao misoroka ny loza sasany rehefa manafatra avy any Shina.

Lahatsoratra misimisy kokoa