With the release of the Apple iPhone 15 series, all four new models have officially bid farewell to the longstanding Lightning interface in favor of the USB-C interface. This marks a significant shift in Apple’s product ecosystem. In this analysis, we will take a closer look at the data cable included in the iPhone 15 package. This cable measures approximately 1 meter in length and features a braided outer casing, designed for enhanced durability and a longer lifespan.
The USB-C end of this cable is labeled with the model number A2795 and supports USB 2.0 data transfer. Upon inspection, it’s evident that the cable does not contain an embedded E-Marker chip, meaning it supports 60W power transmission and functions similarly to standard USB-C cables. Join us as we dissect Apple’s USB-C data cable to examine the materials used and the craftsmanship behind it.
Previously, GCC has conducted teardowns of various Apple products, including the Apple 2m 240W USB-C Fast Charging Data Cable, Apple 3m Thunderbolt 4 Pro Data Cable, Apple 1.8m Thunderbolt 4 Pro Data Cable, Apple Original 2m Thunderbolt 3 Pro Data Cable, and Apple Thunderbolt 3 100W Cable. Feel free to explore those teardowns for more insights.
iPhone 15 USB-C fléttuð gagnasnúra að utan
Gagnasnúran sem tekin er úr iPhone 15 farsímaboxinu er bundin með pappírslímbandi.
Lengd snúrunnar er hvít, en flétta hönnunin eykur slitþol hans, sem gerir hann endingarbetri og minni hættu á skemmdum. Hvað ytri hönnun varðar passar hann við A2795 USB-C hleðslusnúruna (1 metra) sem áður var seld af Apple. Í ljósi þessa líkt er eðlilegt að gera ráð fyrir að frammistaðan sé líklega sú sama.
Víraendarnir á báðum endum gagnalínunnar eru úr hvítu plasthlíf, með hálfhringlaga bogaflötum á báðum hliðum og björtu yfirborði.
Málmskel USB-C karltengisins er með vörugerð A2795, upprunastað (Víetnam) og raðnúmer á annarri hliðinni. Vissulega er líkanið líka það sama og smásöluútgáfan.
Innri pinnar USB-C karltengisins eru gullhúðaðir og ekki fullir af PIN-hönnun.
Tengingin milli þráðarbolsins og þráðhaussins er klassísk skottlaus hönnun.
Ofinn jakkinn með þráðum er mjög þéttur og hefur svolítið hörðu yfirborðstilfinningu. Þegar úlpa er prjónuð eru trefjaþræðir fyrst snúnir í einn þráð og síðan raðað og ofið, þannig að þræðir flækist ekki auðveldlega, njóti góðrar vörn og hættir til að lóa.
Mælt hefur verið að lengd USB-C fléttu hleðslusnúrunnar sem fylgir nýjum Apple iPhone 15 er um 1 metri.
Þvermál vírhlutans er 3,25 mm. Þetta er líka USB-C hvít fléttuð snúra. Yfirbygging þessarar snúru er mun þynnri en Apple 2 metra 240W USB-C hraðhleðslugagnasnúra A2794 sem var tekin í sundur af hleðsluhaus netinu ekki alls fyrir löngu.
Að auki er mæld þyngd um 19g.
Í fyrsta lagi er spennufallsprófið. Að þessu sinni var ChargerLAB POWER-Z P240 tvíátta aflgjafinn notaður til að prófa hleðsluspennu og útgangsspennu víranna í mismunandi gírum. Munurinn var reiknaður út. Munurinn er gildi spennufallsins og súluritið er þægilegt fyrir alla að skilja á innsæi.
Eins og sést á súluritinu er munurinn á 5/9/12/15/20V1A gírunum 0,19V og munurinn á 5/9/12/15/20V3A gírunum er 0,58V.
Test the maximum charging power of the cable. Use Apple’s original charger and cable to charge the MacBook Pro. The power is about 57.66W. It can be seen that the cable can only support maximum 20V3A 60W charging.
The last step is to test the data transmission performance. Connect the Apple USB-C charging cable to the laptop and hard drive box respectively, and use the Disk Speed Test on the computer to test the data transmission speed. The measured writing speed is about 41MB/s, and the reading speed is about 41MB/s. The speed is about 42.3MB/s, which complies with the USB2.0 data transmission standard.
Teardown Summary
The Apple iPhone 15’s included data cable bears the model number A2795, with a cable length of 1 meter and support for USB 2.0 data transfer. This data cable features a braided outer casing, addressing the common issue of traditional Lightning cables cracking or fraying, thus prolonging its lifespan and enhancing the user experience. Our testing confirmed that this cable supports only 60W power transmission and does not contain an embedded E-Marker chip.
Upon disassembly, GCC discovered that the USB-C plug of this cable employs a plastic shell, with the internal USB-C connector securely affixed to the stainless steel casing using laser spot welding. This construction enhances the mechanical strength of the connector, ensuring durability. Although the internal connector features solder pads for an E-Marker chip, it was not populated during production.
Through this teardown, it became evident that the included cable lacks the aluminum foil shielding found in the retail version of the same model. However, it does not feature an embedded E-Marker chip. This suggests that Apple has not implemented encryption measures on this USB-C data cable, and it conforms to the standard USB-C cable specifications, ensuring compatibility for normal device charging.
As Apple transitions to USB-C for its latest iPhone models, this teardown provides valuable insights into the design and construction of the included USB-C data cable, shedding light on its capabilities and compatibility.
For more in-depth analysis and news on charging technologies and accessories, stay tuned to GCC.