Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs Nodding Heads Lovely Auto Auto Auto Decoration Dog Doll Auto Vehicle Big Head Dog Toy
Produkt Beskriuwing
Binne jo op syk nei leuke puppies yn jo auto of hûsdekor?
Dizze Ebow-kophûnen super leuke puppies komplementearje jo autodashboard, thús of kantoar perfekt. Se hawwe in sêft en dúdlik touch.
Wy hawwe fiif stilen foar jo om te kiezen út Husky, Shepherd, Bigger, Dalmatian, en Dachshund. Dizze leuke simulearre hûn kin wurde jûn as jierdeikado oan jo bern, en jo bern sil it leuk fine.
De knikke hûn draacht in gouden ketting ketting, dat is hiel cool.
[Gewicht]: Huskies (255 g) Herder (225g), Biggar (250 g), Dalmatiërs (240), Teckel (230g)
[Hûngrutte]: 6.5 * 15 * 8cm / 2.56 * 5.91 * 3.15 inch
Kleur doaze ferpakking grutte: 16 * 8.5 * 13cm / 6.30 * 3.45 * 5.12 inch
[Materiaal]: Hars + Flocking + Metal
– Gjin batterij, gjin sinne-enerzjy, salang't der trilling is, kin skodzje;
– Moaie dekoraasjes kinne op jo auto pleatst wurde; jo kinne ek sette it finster, buro;
– Goede meubels en autodekoraasjes, ek in kado om te dielen;
– Auto Bobblehead pop boartersguod sways lokkich hinne en wer, wêrtroch jo kalm en ûntspannen oft thús of it kantoar;
– Perfekt foar in buro of finsterbank, auto, hûs, kantoar, ensfh., Biede jo alle dagen goede winsken en in goede stimming!
– 100% Brand nij en hege kwaliteit;
– Doublebulls is in beskerme Trademark;
– maklik te mount mei adhesive tape.
- 【Tapassing】: Dizze prachtige Ebow Head Dogs-autohûn is geskikt foar it dekorearjen fan auto-dashboards, sliepkeamers, huzen, buro's, sliepkeamers, en de leuke hûn is ek de bêste kado-kar foar bern.
- 【Styl】: Dizze auto Dashboard Head Dogs is in heul leuke autopuppy dy't Huskies, Shepherd, Beagle, Dalmatians en teckel hat foar jo om út te kiezen. Dizze auto Dashboard Head Dogs binne allegear heul leuk.
- 【Dynamysk ûntwerp】: Auto Dashboard Head Dogs auto hûn sil knikje as jo auto start, en jo famylje sil dizze hûn grif leuk fine. De moaie foarm fan 'e leuke hûn makket jo auto of keamer waarmer en swieter.
- 【Durable】: Dizze hûn foar autodashboard is makke fan harsflokmetaal. Dizze leuke puppy auto hûn hat in lange libbensdoer en sil net wurde misfoarme.
- 【Help】: As jo fragen hawwe, nim dan kontakt mei my op; Ik sil myn bêst dwaan om jo te tsjinjen.

Ynlieding: Welcome to the Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs world, where cuteness meets automotive charm. These adorable Nodding Heads Lovely Car Auto Vehicle Decoration Dog Dolls are the perfect companions for your car rides. Their endearing expressions and lovable nods add a touch of whimsy and joy to your vehicle interior. Let’s dive into the delightful world of these Big Head Dog Toys and discover why they are the must-have car decoration for every pet lover and automotive enthusiast.
1. What are Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs? Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs are charming car accessories that bring smiles and happiness to daily commutes and road trips. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these lovable dog dolls feature oversized heads that gently nod as your car moves, creating a heartwarming and entertaining sight that will brighten up even the dullest drives.
2. How do they work? These delightful car decorations are ingeniously designed with a nodding mechanism that responds to the motion of your vehicle. As you drive, the gentle vibrations and movements cause the dog’s head to nod, expressing its excitement for the journey ahead.
3. What makes Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs special? a. High-Quality Material: Elke Dashboard Head Dog is makke fan materialen fan hege kwaliteit dy't duorsumens en langstme garandearje. Se binne makke om deistich gebrûk te wjerstean en har sjarme jierrenlang te behâlden.
b. Ferskaat oan rassen en ûntwerpen: Ebow biedt in ferskaat oanbod fan hûnenrassen en ûntwerpen, wêrtroch jo dejinge kinne kieze dy't jo favorite furry freon it bêste fertsjintwurdiget of it ynterieur fan jo auto oanfolje.
c. Net-skealik adhesive basis: De Dashboard Head Dogs hawwe in net-skealike adhesive basis dy't feilich hechtet oan it dashboard fan jo auto, wêrtroch ynstallaasje in wyntsje makket sûnder merken.
4. Perfekt kado foar húsdierleafhawwers en sjauffeurs: Looking for a thoughtful gift for a pet lover or a friend who spends hours on the road? Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs make the ideal gift choice. Their delightful presence will bring joy to any car owner’s heart and enhance the driving experience.
5. Where to Place the Dashboard Head Dogs? These lovely car decorations are designed to be placed on your car’s dashboard or any flat surface within easy view. Their presence adds charm and makes a wonderful conversation starter during your car journeys.
Conclusion: Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs Nodding Heads Lovely Car Auto Vehicle Decoration Dog Dolls are more than just car accessories; they are charming companions that infuse your daily drives with warmth and joy. Whether you’re a pet lover, a car enthusiast, or just someone who appreciates adorable decor, these Big Head Dog Toys are a delightful addition to your vehicle. Embrace the happiness they bring and turn your journeys into memorable adventures with Ebow Dashboard Head Dogs.
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