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the global wearable device market achieved stable growth in 2024

Global Wearable Shipment Growth

Global Wearable Shipment Growth

The global wearable device market achieved stable growth in 2024, with shipments reaching 193 million units, a year-on-year increase of 4%. This is the second consecutive year of expansion after the market adjustment in 2022, showing new momentum in the industry. The growth was mainly driven by strong demand in China and emerging markets, offsetting declines in mature regions such as the United States and India. Basic watches and basic bracelets played a key role in driving entry-level adoption, while competition among major manufacturers such as Apple, Xiaomi and Huawei intensified. (Canalys)

Foto fan Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Auteur: CO-oprjochter fan GCC
Hoi, ik bin Helen. Wolkom op ús webside. Ik haw mear as 10 jier yn dizze sektor wurke. Ik hoopje dat wy alles koene skriuwe oer konsuminteelektronika en kado's dy't wy kenne, en jo hjir fergees leare. Hoopje dat wy jo kinne helpe om mear te begripen oer dizze yndustry, sadat jo guon risiko's kinne foarkomme by ymportearjen út Sina.

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