2022 European Sports & Outdoor Category Trend Report

2022 European Sports & Outdoor Category Trend Report

The market value of Sports & Outdoors in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is 12.04 billion euros in 2021 and is expected to exceed 13.18 billion euros in 2022. This report will interpret the performance of sports & outdoor products in the European market from multiple perspectives, and guide sellers to fully appreciate the trend of popular European categories.

Table of contents:

1. Overview of European Sports & Outdoor Products Market

2. Consumer Trends

3. Popular categories

4. Regional Economy of European Sports Market

5. Competitive landscape of European sports market

6. Growth points of the European sports industry in 2022

  • Overview of European Sports & Outdoor Products Market
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The epidemic is undoubtedly the strongest assist for the surge in sales of sports & outdoor products. In March 2020, the epidemic spread to the European continent, and team sports and indoor sports could not be carried out. This led to a fundamental change in the sports preferences of the entire European continent in 2020 and 2021. Affected by travel restrictions, participating in these two years Sales of winter sports apparel fell with fewer people skiing and other winter sports.

More consumers are turning to personal exercise, including yoga and Pilates. During the epidemic, there are not many projects that people can go out to implement, mainly hiking and running, which has created a good market for outdoor clothing and walking equipment. The sports and leisure clothing market, which combines the characteristics of yoga clothing, sportswear and casual clothing, has become a hot category as people work from home and take online classes. Online shopping, as the only way for consumers to shop when brick-and-mortar stores are closed, has opened up sales due to the epidemic.

Data shows that in 2021, 36% of Europeans will buy sports and leisure clothing & udstyr online, og andelen af ​​nethandel i denne kategori er kun lidt bagefter bøger (39 %) og husholdningsartikler (40 %). Online shopping af modetøj & tilbehør tegnede sig for 48 %, hvilket indikerer, at den overordnede intention om online shopping hos forbrugere i denne region er lavere end i andre regioner.

Med hensyn til andelen af ​​besøg hos de 50 bedste forhandlere i Europa, søgte mere end 78 % på søgeordet “sport og fritid”, mens kun 21 % søgte efter “mode” alene. Det betyder, at sportstøj, athleisure og sportsmode bliver en del af flere og flere tøjmærker’ produktlinjer.

Samtidig har sundhedstestning og fysisk træningsapplikationer, der hævder at forbedre folks bevidste træningsbegejstring, sat gang i endnu en runde fitness “revolution”.

Mange sportsbrands i første række har skabt deres egne fitness-apps, etableret brugerfællesskaber og opfordret brugerne til at træne, mens de åbner op for nye indtægtskanaler, inklusive betalte abonnementer. Nikes Run Club-app har 15,4 millioner downloads i 2020, en stigning på 45 % i forhold til 2019, og er blevet en vigtigere del af Nikes indtægtsstruktur. Analysen viser også, at appen har bragt en meget stor eksponering for Nike i kommunikationsfællesskabet for udendørs sportsbrugere som løb. Nikes marginale, men avancerede produkter udstyret med “black technologyhave been sold at high prices.

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These applications collect a series of biometric data from users, such as height, weight, age, clothing and shoe size, etc., and record changes in various physical function indicators including heart rate during exercise. This alone brings benefits to these brands. The reason is that brands can provide users with more personalized purchasing recommendations based on data. In 2021, the average spend on paid fitness apps in Europe will increase from $41 in 2017 to $60, and it is expected to continue to grow over the next 10 years.

In addition, sustainable concepts are also influencing consumersshopping decisions.

Dataene viser, at omkring 5 % af sports- og fritidsprodukter købt af forbrugere i 2021 er baseret på bæredygtig udvikling (4,5 % for mænd og 5,4 % for kvinder), selvom det er relativt lille, sammenlignet med 3,8 % i 2019. Sammenlignet med 4,6 % af kvinder er andelen af ​​mænd blevet væsentligt forbedret. Ved udgangen af ​​2022 kunne salget af bæredygtige sportsartikler nå op på 4,9 % (mænd) og 5,9 % (kvinder).

I europæiske sportsartikler er markedsværdien af ​​bæredygtige produkter omkring 600 millioner euro i 2021 og kan nå op på 800 millioner euro i 2022.

Businesses now have a responsibility to explore new, sustainable materials and make their production, transport and packaging as sustainable as possible. Suppliers, producers and brands will also pay closer attention to the recycling of materials, driving the maturity of the used sporting goods market.

While sustainable products rely on materials, technology and manufacturing processes and are material and energy intensive, their audience is more inclined to pay a premium for sustainable goods, accounting for 64% of respondents. This will prompt the industry to increase investment accordingly to adapt to market demand.

For eksempel har Nike siden 2019 indset, at 99,9% af affaldet fra skofremstilling kan genbruges eller omdannes til andre energikilder. Siden 2016 har Nike reduceret sit ferskvandsforbrug med omkring 23 milliarder liter om året. En anden gigant i branchen, Adidas, sagde på sin hjemmeside, at fra 2020 vil 60 % af dets produkter være lavet af bæredygtige materialer. Mærker som Patagonia er selv positioneret til at være miljøvenlige og som forbrugere’ interessen for bæredygtige produkter stiger, stiger salget også.

En række nye mærker er også dukket op. Organic Basics, Girlfriend Collective og Wolven er alle blevet mere populære siden 2020, og SportsShoe, et professionelt løbeskofirma, har omstruktureret sin forretning aggressivt som reaktion på markedstendenserne for at opnå titlen som “Verdens grønneste, holdbare løbesko” titel.

  • Forbrugertrends

1. Personlig træning

Ifølge dataene sagde omkring 65 % af de adspurgte i Tyskland, Italien, Spanien og Det Forenede Kongerige, at de efter epidemien ville integrere deres personlige helbred i deres daglige liv. Vejen er motion. Undersøgelsesresultaterne viser, at sammenlignet med 2019, de sportsgrene, som europæerne er mere tilbøjelige til i 2021, vil personlig udendørssport være blandt de bedste, med en stigning på 84 % inden for to år vil indendørs motion (onlineopfølgning) stige med 72 %, e-sport og virtuel sport. Motorsportsaktiviteten registrerede også betydelig vækst, en stigning på henholdsvis 40 % og 36 %.

2. Højtydende produkter

Brugere, der elsker højtydende produkter, forstår, at de køber forbrugsvarer, såsom løbesko. Efter 500 miles af slid begynder det støttende skum og slidbane at blive slidt, og slagfastheden er ikke længere tilgængelig; svedtransporterende tøj bruger små sølvtråde til at hjælpe med at fjerne sved og holde tøjet tørt, med begrænset effektivitet; og sports-bh'er Den mister sin vigtige støttefunktion efter gentagen brug. Baseret på dette er brugere af højtydende produkter generelt loyale gentagne købere. Med populariseringen af ​​sundhedsbegrebet åbnede salget af sådanne produkter gradvist op.

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3. Sport

Som du kan se på figuren nedenfor, er fitness, løb og cykling de 3 mest populære sportsgrene på verdensplan. Holdsport som fodbold, basketball, volleyball og cricket samt en-til-en boldsport som badminton, tennis og bordtennis bliver også mere og mere populære, hvilket øger salget af specialiseret tøj, sko, og udstyr.

Ud fra perspektivet af ugentlig træningstid er folk i Spanien og Italien i Europa ikke særligt motiverede til at træne. Omkring 16 % af italienerne og 14 % af de spanske respondenter sagde, at det var påvirket af vejret. Fra et samfundsmæssigt perspektiv er begge lande blevet hårdt ramt af pandemien, og i modsætning til andre lande i Europa ser motion og fitness som nøglen til en sund livsstil.

4. Købspræference

Før epidemien foretrak 67 % af de adspurgte fysiske butikker til at købe sportsartikler. I 2021 falder den procentdel til 63 procent.

Før epidemien var andelen af ​​europæere, der handlede sportsudstyr online, 33 %, og den vil stige til 37 % i 2021. Flere produktvalg og højere omkostningseffektivitet på e-handelsplatforme er hovedårsagerne til stigningen i andelen af online shopping.

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However, it can be seen that physical stores are still the first choice for most Europeans to buy sporting goods, such as some expensive professional sportswear shoes, or customized styles, which require consumers to come to the store, as well as rackets or bats and other equipment. Appearance and performance need to be experienced in the store before you can buy with confidence.

  • Popular categories

Market data shows that sales of all market segments, from sneakers, fishing tackle, and swimwear, have surged in 2020. The average gain across all categories peaked at 35% during this period.

Det var tydeligt under pandemien, at forbrugernes udgifter til fiskeri, personlig sport og andet udendørs sportsudstyr er steget i vejret. Holdsportsudstyr og sko er omvendt. Den gennemsnitlige enhedspris for en enkelt forbruger viser, at fra 2019 til 2020 er forbruget af fiskeri og anden udendørssport steget markant. Den gennemsnitlige enhedspris for fiskeri steg fra 12 euro til 16 euro, og den gennemsnitlige enhedspris for andre udendørs sportsgrene sprang fra 67 euro til 77 euro, en stigning på henholdsvis 33 % og 15 %.

1. Sportstøj

Sportswear can be further refined into high-performance sportswear, fashionable sportswear, etc., especially the latter, which has gradually taken shape as a wearing style since the 1960s, and sports brands such as Fila, Adidas Originals, Champion, etc. (or product branches). ) belong to this style. After the epidemic, sportswear such as yoga clothes has been accepted by more and more people and has become a daily wear. This directly drives the growth of fashion sportswear, which will reach 7.7 billion euros in 2021 and may rise to nearly 9 billion euros in 2022.

2. Outdoor shoes

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Som en underkategori af markedet for udendørs funktionstøj er markedsværdien af ​​udendørs sportstøjssko i Europa omkring 3 milliarder euro, hvilket svarer til omkring halvdelen af ​​markedsværdien af ​​udendørsindustrien, og det forventes at opnå stærk vækst i fremtid. Efter epidemien længes folk i stigende grad efter udendørslivet, og indkøb af udendørstøj og udstyr til vandreture, camping og bjergbestigning er steget kraftigt. Tidligere var dette en luksus, men for flere og flere forbrugere er det blevet en hobby og et tidsfordriv.

Bikes have also seen a surge in demand in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The European bicycle market grew by a staggering 40% in 2020 to €18 billion. Against this backdrop, the European cycling apparel market will also grow by 6% between 2020 and 2026. In Europe, there is a growing interest in using bicycles as a daily means of transportation.

3. Sports shoes

Sneaker sales in Europe plummeted during the coronavirus lockdown in 2020 as many sports venues used for professional sports were forced to close. However, the ensuing rebound in 2021 is astounding, with revenue for the category across the continent growing by 15.2%, and a further increase to 21.6% in 2022.

The epidemic has stimulated consumersshopping desire, especially the younger group in the market, who are eager for a healthier lifestyle, so more people are seriously participating in sports. People’s disposable incomes are increasing, and so has the strong interest in the right footwear to wear for every sport.

The emerging fitness apps are also fueling interest in sports and playing a role in how to choose the right footwear as well as information on preventing injuries and improving athletic performance. This once again drove the sales of high-performance sports shoes on the market side.

The entire European footwear market is worth about 130 billion euros, of which the sports footwear market is worth about 50 billion euros and the sports and outdoor footwear market is worth 48 billion euros.

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4. Swimwear

It is expected that the growth of the swimwear market will reach 12.1% in 2022, and some of the pent-up holiday consumption and travel demand will be released. The segment will then stabilize above 2019 levels.

The value of EU swimwear imports has grown at an annual rate of 8.5% over the past five years, higher than the average growth rate of 5.8% for all EU clothing imports. In 2019, European swimwear imports were worth 2.1 billion euros, up from 1.4 billion euros in 2014

Tyskland (295 millioner euro), Frankrig (176 millioner euro), Holland (171 millioner euro), Italien (166 millioner euro), Storbritannien (157 millioner euro) og Polen (109 millioner euro) er Europas største eksportører af badetøj . Den samlede eksportmarkedsstørrelse for badetøj i disse seks lande tegner sig for mere end 70 % af det samlede EU-marked.

5. Sports- og fritidstøj

Athleisure er blevet en nøgletrend forud for 2019, og mandatet til at arbejde hjemmefra har holdt salgsvæksten stærk i 2020 og 2021 og viser ingen tegn på afmatning.

Afslappet sportstøj er blevet ikke kun et specialiseret segment af sportstøj, men også et alignment mål for modemærker. Derfor er grænsen mellem sportstøj og modetøj også ret udvisket.

Mange forbrugeres skiftende indkøbsvaner sætter en sund livsstil over andre sysler og gør fysisk aktivitet til en del af deres daglige rutine. For eksempel er sportstøj til Zoom-møder blevet mere almindeligt accepteret i mange forretningsområder.

Fremkomsten af ​​fitnesssoftware og tilsvarende understøttende tjenester under epidemien har også fået flere forbrugere til at acceptere sportstøj i deres daglige liv og aktivt engagere sig i sport på hverdage.

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Som et resultat heraf kombinerer sportstøjsindustrien det hurtigt med tøjets moden for at skabe beklædningsgenstande, der opfylder behovene inden for mode, fritid og sport, hvilket muliggør væksten af ​​dette nye produktsegment.

Other factors have also shifted the focus of the fashion industry towards athleisure. In 2020, the online sales of DTC sports brands will increase, and the cooperation between social media and self-media practitioners has gradually become an important marketing method.

At present, the main players in the sportswear market are Nike and Adidas. Later new entrants, Under Armour and Lululemon, both have pre-eminent market positions in the pantheon of sportswear fashion.

6. Sports equipment

The size of the sports equipment market has experienced shrinkage in 2020 and then experienced rapid expansion in 2021. The expansion rate of this category market is expected to level off in 2022.

Tennis equipment is a good reference indicator. Europe owns 52% of the world’s tennis clubs, and the European tennis racket market will be worth 103.55 million euros in 2021 and is expected to reach 114.13 million euros in 2028, with a CAGR of 1.4%.

Also worthy of attention is the football equipment market. The global football equipment market size was valued at USD 1.9 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 3.7 billion by 2027. The global market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.3% from 2021 to 2027.

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The European home fitness equipment market has boomed during the pandemic, and while it will continue to grow in the future, it will show weakness faster than other types of sports equipment. The home fitness and fitness equipment market is valued at EUR 2 billion in 2021 and will grow at an annual rate of 3.1% between 2021 and 2031.

  • Regional economy of major sports markets in Europe

Europe is home to many world-renowned sports brands, including Adidas, Puma and Fila. Meanwhile, Western European markets such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands dominate the continent. In contrast, the Central and Eastern European market is smaller but has greater growth potential.

An analysis of the shopping patterns of European sports consumers found that less than 10% of consumers across the region actively buy sporting goods online. The main reason is that consumers prefer the shopping experience of a brick-and-mortar store when purchasing sporting goods. While the pandemic has prompted a surge in online sales across industries, online retail sales of sporting goods have grown relatively slowly.

Interestingly, among the online consumer groups, sports consumers account for the largest proportion (7.5%), and Spain is one of the countries in the European Economic Area that use sports as a pastime. The sports e-commerce category penetration rate in the Netherlands is relatively low (4.9%).

Many consumers want to shop in-person for sporting goods and equipment in brick-and-mortar stores. In sports-oriented countries, consumers are more focused on finding the right professional gear and apparel. In markets where sports are less developed, the opposite is true, where consumers have higher e-commerce participation rates (eg Spain).

Germany and Denmark have the highest concentration of online traffic among the TOP 50 sports retailers, accounting for 14% and 12% of the overall market traffic in Europe, respectively. Germany ranks second in the number of online sports consumers. In the Netherlands, which has the largest number of sports consumers, its online sports retailers account for only 6% of the traffic.

The data shows that the sports category has a relatively strong performance in the cross-border market. For example, the top 50 sports retailers capture 7.9% of German consumers, and 14% of these retailers are headquartered in Germany. Likewise, the top 50 sports retailers capture 12% of French consumers, of which only 10% are headquartered in France. More than 8% of the TOP 50 sports retailerswebsite traffic comes from the United States.

This also shows, to a certain extent, that the European online sporting goods and equipment market is less affected by national borders than other retail categories.

Selv Storbritannien, hvor der kan være yderligere barrierer for at købe fra EU efter Brexit, har hele 7,7 % af besøg hos TOP 50 forhandlere af lokale forbrugere, hvilket tyder på, at mange britiske forbrugere stadig er på europæiske e-handelssider, når de køber sport varer, har britiske sportsforbrugere altid værdsat EU-specialmærker og forhandlere.

Europa er et stort forsynings- og markedsføringsmarked for sportsartikler og -udstyr, hvor importen stiger mellem 2015 og 2020. Sammenlignet med 2015 er både import og eksport steget i 2020, og vækstraten for importen (37,8 %) er højere end for eksport (28,2%), med en stigning i importen på omkring 3,7 milliarder euro og en stigning i eksporten på omkring 2,6 milliarder euro. Fra 2020 var Europas eksport 11,8 milliarder euro og importen 13,5 milliarder euro.

European sneaker exports are growing, with a 74% increase between 2015 and 2020. Most of these exports go to the United States, Japan, China, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and other countries. Among them, the largest decline in exports was snowboards, which fell by 5% year-on-year.

The number of boats and water sports equipment imported into Europe is increasing, increasing by 155% in the five years to 2020. Imports of gymnastics, sports and swimming equipment also surged, up 33% over the same period.

In 2020, in terms of value, Germany and the Netherlands were the EU’s leading exporters of sporting goods, with exports worth around 5.3 billion euros, followed by Italy (4.4 billion euros) and Belgium (3.6 billion euros). The main importers in Europe are Germany (6.3 billion euros), the Netherlands (4.7 billion euros) and France (3.7 billion euros). Italy, which has a sizable trade surplus of 23 billion euros, exports almost twice as much sports-related goods and equipment as it imports.

Intra-EU trade in sporting goods is strong, with imports from within the EU and imports from outside the EU accounting for 51%:49%. The import of fashion sportswear within the EU is dominated by Germany, which accounts for 11.7% of the market share, equivalent to a market value of 1.8 billion euros. This is followed by Italy (5.7%), the Netherlands (5.3%) and Belgium (4.9%).

Meanwhile, Poland is a national market to watch. It has one of the fastest growing imports of sporting goods of any country in continental Europe, has a large and increasingly affluent consumer base, and is one of the emerging online retail markets.

  • European Sporting Goods Market Competitive Landscape

Sporting goods are sold through retailers, stores and distributors across Europe, with the market segmented between specialty stores, general sports retailers and brands. The marketplace is also increasingly in play, and the industry is also seeing indirect and digital competition from other industries, such as fashion brands, department stores and other retailers.

Store integrerede sportsdetailhandlere udgør det dominerende detailhandelslandskab på markedet, der består af detailhandlere, der sælger en bred vifte af sports- og fritidssportsartikler, der henvender sig til en stor kundebase. De forbliver dog fokuseret på udendørssport og er derfor i stand til at tilbyde produkter til forbrugere, der fokuserer på præstations- og rekreativ sport. Nøglemarkedskonkurrenter i Europa omfatter Decathlon og Sports Direct. Disse forhandlere, som traditionelt har været fysiske butikker, har gradvist åbnet op for e-handelsområdet og fokuserer nu på omni-channel forretningsmodeller.

Mainstream platforms such as Amazon and eBay have long been major sporting goods sellers, and well-known brands such as Adidas and Nike have also opened their own branded stores on e-commerce platforms to sell end products and other merchandise to avoid cannibalization. Retailers such as Decathlon have gone a step further by opening their own marketplaces to enhance their core expertise and expand their reach into the wider sporting goods market. Other, more specialized platforms that cater to specific sports and categories are also emerging.

Det europæiske marked for sportsudstyr betjenes af en række online- og omni-channel-forhandlere, med mindst én storspiller i top 100 i hvert land. For eksempel har Tyskland adskillige boldforhandlere, der optræder på ranglisten, som repræsenterer en vis størrelse på markedet for sports- og udendørsvarer og udstyr, hvilket også er udviklingen af ​​grænseoverskridende e-handel med lande som Schweiz, Østrig, Polen og Tjekkiet. resultat af udvikling. I modsætning hertil har Storbritannien kun én forhandler (Sports Direct) i top 20.

Distributionen af ​​europæiske detailhandlere er også påvirket af nogle velkendte mærker, normalt mærkegiganter som Nike og Adidas for at fremme grænseoverskridende salg gennem andre forhandlere og mærkevarebutikker rundt om i verden.

  • Vækstpunkter for den europæiske sportsindustri i 2022

Som alle detailhandelsbranchen har sportshandlere i Europa set dramatiske ændringer i deres indkøbsvaner gennem pandemien, men måske ikke så dramatisk. Inden for sportsartikler har skiftet i forbrugeradfærd til onlinehandel været langt mindre dramatisk end på andre områder, mens tilbagevenden til fysiske detailhandel har været hurtigere.

Så hvad er vækstpunkterne og tendenserne for europæiske sportsartikler i 2022 og derefter?

The epidemic has made more consumers in Europe pay attention to their health, thanks to the strong focus on fitness among young people and the growing influence of the fitness industry. Paradoxically, Europe’s obesity crisis is also growing, and governments are starting to take action to curb it.

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A 2020 UK study found that eight times as many teenagers are exercising to lose weight than in 1986. When surveyed last year, 6 in 10 14-year-olds said they exercised to lose weight, compared with just 7 percent in 1986.

Millennials and Gen Z make up 80% of the overall fitness club membership, while 85% of gym members also exercise at home. 89% of people aged 16 to 34 use fitness apps to exercise.

As these young users continue to exercise and resume team sports and other activities that have been curtailed during the pandemic, this will further drive growth in sporting goods sales.

The fitness industry is also being driven by the Gen Z and millennial cohorts as they focus not only on fitness but also on overall physical and mental health. From 2017 to 2021, the global health industry market size has grown by 6.4%, with a market value of approximately $3.7 trillion.

Fitness is just one key area of ​​that. The growth of the wellness industry directly drives the growth in the purchase of sporting goods, especially footwear, apparel and sports equipment, and promotes related technology upgrades.

Childhood obesity is on the rise in southern European countries. The figures show that in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, San Marino and Spain, around one in five boys (ranging from 18% to 21%) are obese.

This is where the government is taking action to improve children’s health and encourage people to participate in sports and exercise. This will lead to an increase in the demand for sporting goods in the entire European market, and the business opportunity can be described as self-evident.

At the same time, Gen Z and millennials are driving growth in the sports and fitness industries. Younger groups account for more than 65% of the overall proportion of virtual fitness users. The main consumer groups are eager for a seamless and interconnected fitness experience. The experience provided by merchants needs to adapt to people’s lifestyles and match different sports scenarios. Therefore, fitness software that incorporates virtual technologies such as AR, and the corresponding fitness equipment/technology can attract consumersattention more than ever.

Billede af Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Forfatter: Medstifter af GCC
Hej, jeg hedder Helen. Velkommen til vores hjemmeside. Jeg har arbejdet i denne branche i over 10 år. Jeg håber, at vi kunne skrive alt om forbrugerelektronik og gaver, som vi kender, og lære dig gratis her. Håber vi kunne hjælpe dig med bedre at forstå mere om denne industri, så du kan undgå nogle risici, når du importerer fra Kina.

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