Ruční přenosná germicidní UV světelná hůlková sterilizační UV lampa pro dezinfekci

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Manufacturer/Factory wholesale to E-tailer, Wholesaler, importer, brander, OEM. Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV UV253.7NM Lamp for Disinfection
Portable UV Light Wand Sterilizer hand-held UV Germicidal Sterilization Lamp

Portable UV Light Wand Sterilizer
Battery Capacity: 400mAh
Charging Time: About 90 Minutes
Inout: 5V/1.5A
Charging + Sterilization Current: 2A
Sterilization Current: 0.8A
UV Light Power: 5W
Power Supply Port: Micro USB
The wavelength of UV Sterilization: 185-254mm


Ruční přenosná germicidní UV světelná hůlková sterilizační UV lampa pro dezinfekci

Product Specification
Product Name
portable uv sterilizer lamp, Black/White sterilizer lamp
Kapacita baterie
Charge time
about 90 minutes
Input specification
5V 1.6a
Charge + sterilization current
Bactericidal current
Uv power
Power supply interface
Micro USB
Sterilization ultraviolet wavelength

Q1. What is the Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp, and how does it work?

The Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp is a cutting-edge device designed to provide quick and effective disinfection of various surfaces. Utilizing powerful UV-C light technology, this wand emits ultraviolet light that can eliminate harmful germs, bacteria, and viruses, helping to create a clean and hygienic environment. Its handheld and portable design allows for easy usage in various settings.

Q2. How does the UV-C light disinfection process work, and is it safe?

UV-C light has proven to be an efficient and chemical-free method for disinfection. When the UV-C light comes into contact with microorganisms, it disrupts their DNA, rendering them unable to reproduce and leading to their inactivation. The Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp utilizes this scientific principle to target and destroy harmful pathogens. It is important to note that while UV-C light is effective for disinfection, users should exercise caution and avoid direct exposure to the eyes or skin.

Q3. How do I use the Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp for disinfection?

Using the UV light wand is simple. After ensuring the wand is charged, press the power button to activate the UV-C light. Slowly wave the wand over the surfaces you wish to disinfect, keeping the light near the targeted area for optimal disinfection. The wand’s ergonomic design and lightweight nature allow for easy handling and precise application.

Q4. What surfaces can I disinfect using the Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp?

The UV light wand is versatile and can disinfect surfaces commonly found in homes, offices, and public spaces. It is effective on hard surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, keyboards, and smartphones. However, it is not recommended for soft or porous materials, such as fabrics or upholstery.

Q5. Is the Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp suitable for travel?

Absolutely! The handheld and portable design of this UV light wand makes it an excellent travel companion. It easily fits into your bag or luggage, allowing you to carry it anywhere. Whether staying in a hotel, using public transportation, or dining at a restaurant, the UV light wand provides an additional layer of protection by disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces.

The Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp is an efficient and portable solution for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Its advanced UV-C light technology and user-friendly design offer a convenient way to disinfect surfaces and reduce the risk of exposure to harmful pathogens. Embrace the power of UV light disinfection with the Handheld Portable Germicidal UV Light Wand Sterilizer UV Lamp for a safer and healthier environment.





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1. kdo jsme?
Výrobce – China Factory Direct Wholesale.GCC Electronic sídlí v Shenzhenu v Číně, počínaje rokem 2016, prodává se na domácím trhu (5 %), západní Evropě (45 %), Severní Americe (40 %), jihovýchodní Asii (10 %). V naší kanceláři je celkem 11-50 lidí.

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