Holiday Notice arrangements in 2024

Oznámení o svátcích v roce 2024 od Čínské státní rady

Oznámení o svátcích v roce 2024 od Čínské státní rady

  1. New Year’s Day: January 1 is a holiday, consecutively with the weekend.
  2. Spring Festival: There will be a holiday from February 10th to 17th, a total of 8 days. Work on February 4th (Sunday) and February 18th (Sunday). All units are encouraged to implement systems such as paid annual leave and arrange for employees to take a break on New Year’s Eve (February 9).
    • Warmly Tips: Many private companies or factories will take holidays 20-30 days in advance in order to prepare the items needed to celebrate the New Year in advance.
    • When you need to ship before the holiday, please be sure to make order arrangements in advance
  3. Qingming Festival: There will be a holiday from April 4th to 6th, a total of 3 days. Go to work on April 7 (Sunday).
  4. Labor Day: May 1st to 5th, a total of 5 days off. Work on April 28th (Sunday) and May 11th (Saturday).
  5. Dragon Boat Festival: a holiday on June 10, consecutively with the weekend.
  6. Mid-Autumn Festival: There will be a holiday from September 15th to 17th, a total of 3 days. Go to work on September 14th (Saturday).
  7. National Day: There will be a holiday from October 1st to 7th, a total of 7 days. Go to work on September 29th (Sunday) and October 12th (Saturday).
Obrázek Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Autor: Spoluzakladatel GCC
Ahoj, já jsem Helen. Vítejte na našem webu. V tomto oboru pracuji více než 10 let. Doufám, že bychom mohli napsat vše o spotřební elektronice a dárcích, které známe, a naučit vás zde zdarma. Doufáme, že bychom vám mohli pomoci lépe porozumět tomuto odvětví, abyste se mohli vyhnout některým rizikům při dovozu z Číny.

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