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Apple will list the iPhone 6 Plus as an obsolete product, the phone no longer meets the global hardware service conditions

Apple will list the iPhone 6 Plus as an obsolete product, the phone no longer meets the global hardware service conditions

On December 2nd, according to MacRumors reports, in an internal memo exposed, Apple stated that it would add the iPhone 6 Plus to its obsolete product list on December 31. This means that since Apple stopped distributing and selling the It has been more than five years since the equipment.

The Apple Store and Apple Authorized Service Providers continue to provide repair services for obsolete products for up to 7 years, subject to the availability of parts.

(Via IT House)
Obrázek Helen Chen

Helen Chen

Autor: Spoluzakladatel GCC
Ahoj, já jsem Helen. Vítejte na našem webu. V tomto oboru pracuji více než 10 let. Doufám, že bychom mohli napsat vše o spotřební elektronice a dárcích, které známe, a naučit vás zde zdarma. Doufáme, že bychom vám mohli pomoci lépe porozumět tomuto odvětví, abyste se mohli vyhnout některým rizikům při dovozu z Číny.

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